Dear Parents,
Whether you are joining our school for the first time or are enrolling another child, we would like to welcome you to our school community.
Central to our mission as a Catholic school is the provision of a dynamic faith education program centred on the diocesan Religious Education program.
Our school continues to be very much a part of the parish with the constant support of our Parish Priest Fr Christopher Sharah, Fr Ruben and Fr Benedict in the life of the school, and the school’s continued involvement in parish based sacramental programs and Sunday liturgy.
We recognise that as parents you are the first and foremost educators of your children in faith and in life. As a school, we support and respond to your aspirations and welcome your involvement in many aspects of the school. We invite you to participate in parent evenings, as a parent helper for reading, sport or infants activities and in the work of the P & F. We welcome constant contact with your child’s class teacher through parent/teacher interviews, class visits and school events.
As we move forward, we are mindful of the need to cater for children within our care to the level that resources enable us to do so. To this end we are committed to the provision of quality education in all areas of curriculum. We provide quality programs for children with special learning needs. We have highly focussed literacy and numeracy programs as we endeavour to cater for the diverse learning needs and styles of all children. We continue to strive towards excellence.
Your child is so very special. Let us work in a mutually supportive partnership so that all can 'Come to learn, live and love' .
Michelle Yager