In this article: Principal address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education, School News, Community News, and more.
In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education, school news, community news.
In this article: From the Principal, from the assistant Principal, Religious Education, Mass/Reconciliation, Pancake Breakfast, School news, commiunity news.
In this article: Principal's address, religious education, school news, community news.
In this article: Principal's address, religious education, school news, community news.
In this article: Principal's address, religious education, school news, community news.
In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education news, school news, important dates to remember, sports news, birthdays, community news.
In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education update, school news, Fathers Day celebration, community news.
In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, religious education news, school news, upcoming events, community news.
In this article: Principal's address, Assistant Principal's address, Religious education, School news, community news.
In this article: Acting Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious Education, Grandparents day, school news, community news & more.
In this article: Acting Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, religious education, school news, important dates to remember, birthdays, return & earn, community news.
In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education news, school news.
Principals address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education, Feast Day awards,Term 2 Reconciliation & Mass Calendar, Cheese Toastie, Attendance, Mother's Day Celebrations, Enrolments for 2024, Representative Sport, Week 3 Assembly, Important dates to remember,PBS4L, Reminders, School Host Families, Birthdays, Clothing Pool, Community more...
Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, Andrew Chinn Concert, Reconciliation & Mass Calendar, Attendance, Catholic Identity Survey, B & B Highway, School Fees, Easter Raffle, St Patrick's Day Morning Tea, Harmony Day, Mission Marketplace, 2024 Enrolments, Assembly Week 11, Dance Fever, School Reader Books, Important Dates To Remember, PBS4L, Gentle Reminders, Motiv8, Hosting Families, Birthday,Clothing Pool, Community News...Read More....
Principals Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, Catholic School Week, Andrew Chinn Concert, Term 1 Reconciliation and Mass Calendar, School Fees, 2024 Enrolments, Enhancing School Identity, News From The SRC, Representative Sport Swimming, Assembly Week 9, Harmony Day, Important Dates To Remember, PBS4L, Easter Raffle, Gentle Reminders, Expression Of Interest Motiv8, Host Families,Birthdays, Clothing Pool, Community News, Read More.....
Principals Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, WYD23 Fundraising Mufti-Day, Catholic School Week Liturgy & Open Class Room, YR 4 History Work, Open Day for Prospective 2024 Families,Enhancing School Identity, Assembly information,Important Dates, Parent Committee News,Project Compassion, Easter Raffle, Reminders, Attendance, PBS4L, Zone Swimming, NSW Premier's Reading Challenge, Hosting Families, Birthdays, Clothing Pool, Community News...Read More...