St Bernadettes Primary Dundas Valley Newsletters


The fortnightly St Bernadette's Primary School newsletter is a great source of information and assistance for families to stay up-to-date with what is happening at St Bernadette's.

It contains important information for the smooth running of your child's week.

Our newsletter is emailed every Thursday to all the parent newsletter subscribers. 

School newsletters are archived below and can be downloaded from the school website and read at your convenience.

  2024 Term 3 Week 8 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's message, Religious Education news, Term 3 Mass/Reconciliation roster, Faith in Action, Curriculum reform, other school news.


  2024 Term 3 Week 4 Newsletter

In this article: Principals Message, Acting Assistant Message, Religious Education, Faith In Action, Other School News, Book Week, Father's Day Celebration Information, Important Dates To Remember, Return and Earn, Birthdays and more!

  2024 Term 3 Week 2 Newsletter

In this article: From the Principal, From the Acting Assistant Principal, The Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Faith in Action, Visit to Bede Polding College

  2024 Term 2 Week 10 Newsletter

In this article: From the Principal, Faith in Action, From the SRC, Sporting News and Achievements and more.

  2024 Term 2 Week 8 Newsletter

In this article: From the Principal, Religious Education, Grandparents' Day, Faith in Action

  2024 Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter

In this article: From the Principal, Religious Education, Reports and Assessments

  2024 Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter

In this article: Principals Address, Religious Education, St Bernadette's Feast Day Celebrations, Faith in Action, National Simultaneous Story Time, Reports , Mathematical Language, School News , Community Of Learners, Host Families Needed, Important Dates, School Fees, Return & Earn, Birthdays, Community News and more.

  2024 Term 2 Week 2 Newsletter

In this article: Principals Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, Lunch Time Club, School News, Faith in Action, PBS4L Individual Reward System, Community of Learners, News from SRC,Diocesan Cross Country Representative Sport, Host Families Needed, Important Dates, Birthdays, Community News and more.

  2024 Term 1 Week 10 Newsletter

In this article: School Principal Address, Religious Education, School News, Community News. Read more...

  2024 Term 1 Week 8 Newsletter

In this article: Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, School News & Community News. Read more...

  2024 Term 1 Week 6 Newsletter

In this article: Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, School News, Dates to Remember, Community News. Read more...

  2024 Term 1 Week 4 Newsletter

In this article: School Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, School News, Community News, and more...

  2024 Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter

In this article: Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, School News, Dates to Remember, Community News. Read more...

  2023 Term 4 Week 10 Newsletter

In this article: Principal address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education, School News, Community News, and more.

  2023 Term 4 Week 8 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education, school news, community news.

  2023 Term 4 Week 6 Newsletter

In this article: From the Principal, from the assistant Principal, Religious Education, Mass/Reconciliation, Pancake Breakfast, School news, commiunity news.

  2023 Term 4 Week 4 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's address, religious education, school news, community news.

  2023 Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's address, religious education, school news, community news.

  2023 Term 3 Week 10 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's address, religious education, school news, community news.

  2023 Term 3 Week 8 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education news, school news, important dates to remember, sports news, birthdays, community news.

  2023 Term 3 Week 6 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education update, school news, Fathers Day celebration, community news.

  2023 Term 3 Week 4 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, religious education news, school news, upcoming events, community news.

  2023 Term 3 Week 2 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's address, Assistant Principal's address, Religious education, School news, community news.

  2023 Term 2 Week 10 Newsletter

In this article: Acting Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious Education, Grandparents day, school news, community news & more.

  2023 Term 2 Week 8 Newsletter

In this article: Acting Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, religious education, school news, important dates to remember, birthdays, return & earn, community news.

  2023 Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter

In this article: Principal's message, Assistant Principal's message, Religious education news, school news.

  2023 Term 2 Week 2 Newsletter

Principals address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education, Feast Day awards,Term 2 Reconciliation & Mass Calendar, Cheese Toastie, Attendance, Mother's Day Celebrations, Enrolments for 2024, Representative Sport, Week 3 Assembly, Important dates to remember,PBS4L, Reminders, School Host Families, Birthdays, Clothing Pool, Community more...

  2023 Term 1 Week 10 Newsletter

Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, Andrew Chinn Concert, Reconciliation & Mass Calendar, Attendance, Catholic Identity Survey, B & B Highway, School Fees, Easter Raffle, St Patrick's Day Morning Tea, Harmony Day, Mission Marketplace, 2024 Enrolments, Assembly Week 11, Dance Fever, School Reader Books, Important Dates To Remember, PBS4L, Gentle Reminders, Motiv8, Hosting Families, Birthday,Clothing Pool, Community News...Read More....

  2023 Term 1 Week 8 Newsletter

Principals Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, Catholic School Week, Andrew Chinn Concert, Term 1 Reconciliation and Mass Calendar, School Fees, 2024 Enrolments, Enhancing School Identity, News From The SRC, Representative Sport Swimming, Assembly Week 9, Harmony Day, Important Dates To Remember, PBS4L, Easter Raffle, Gentle Reminders, Expression Of Interest Motiv8, Host Families,Birthdays, Clothing Pool, Community News, Read More.....

  2023 Term 1 Week 6 Newsletter

Principals Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, WYD23 Fundraising Mufti-Day, Catholic School Week Liturgy & Open Class Room, YR 4 History Work, Open Day for Prospective 2024 Families,Enhancing School Identity, Assembly information,Important Dates, Parent Committee News,Project Compassion, Easter Raffle, Reminders, Attendance, PBS4L, Zone Swimming, NSW Premier's Reading Challenge, Hosting Families, Birthdays, Clothing Pool, Community News...Read More...

  2022 Term 4 Week 10 Newsletter

Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address,Religious Education, Important dates to remember,Yr 6 Liturgy, Attendance, Leaving School, Birthdays, Community more....

  2022 Term 4 Week 8 Newsletter

Principal's address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education Gospel & Reflection, First Reconciliation, Community of learner's stage 4 work, Advent/Christmas Liturgies, Important dates to remember, Christmas Concert details, Staffing for 2023, Premier Reading Challenge, Representative Sport, Principals morning tea, Kindy 2023, Leaving school, Birthdays, Clothing pool, Community more

  Heading for 2022 Term 4 Week 6 Newsletter

Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education, Stage 2 RE Work, Mass Calendar, Important Dates, Creative Critters Holiday Activity, Swimming Carnival, Kindy 2023, Canteen Day,Attendance, Birthday Calendar, Community more....

  2022 Term 4 Week 4

Principal Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious Education Gospel & Reflection, Stage 1 Religion work, Mass Calendar, Important date calendar, Stage 1 Excursion, Stage 2 Excursion, Leaving school, Attendance, Yr 3 Dancer, Birthdays, Clothing pool, Community more.....

  2022 Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter

Principals Address, Assistant Principal Address, Religious education, Community of learners, First Reconciliation Program, School News, Important dates, Sports days, Leaving school, Attendance, Uniform, Representative sport,, Motiv8 sports program, Birthdays, Clothing pool, Community more

  2022 Term 3 Week 10 Newsletter

Principal address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education, Community of learners stage 3 work, Reconciliation program information, Important dates, School fees, Attendance, Uniform term 4, Motiv8sport information, Birthday's, Community more.....

  2022 Term 3 Week 8 Newsletter

Principals address, Assistant Principal address, Religious education, Community of Learners, Important dates to remember, Lunch club, Father's day breakfast, Diocesan athletics, Attendance, Birthdays, Clothing pool, Community more

  Heading for 2022 Term 3 Week 6 Newsletter

Principal address, Assistant principal address, Religious education, Year 3 Religion work, Voice of Youth, Zone athletics carnival, Book week, Netball gala day,Fundraising thank you, Father's day stall, Father's day breakfast, Important dates,Birthdays, Community more.....

  2022 Term 3 Week 4 Newsletter

Principal address, Assistant Principal address, Religious education, Community of learners Kindergarten work, Parish Mass info, School news, Athletic carnival, mufti info, Book week 2022, Premier Reading Challenge, Important dates to remember,CSPA 2022 Parent survey, Expressions of interest for dental service, Birthdays, Clothing pool, Community news.Read more......

  2022 Term 3 Week 2 Newsletter

Principals address, Assistant Principal address, Religious education, Grandparents day, Prayer for Grandparents, Confirmation program, Year 1 RE work, Parish times, Commonwealth Games A-Thon,Online lunches, Uniform, Mufti Day, Book week ,Premier Reading Challenge, Important dates, Birthdays, Clothing pool, Community news. and read more .....

  2022 Term 2 Week 10 Newsletter

Principal Address, assistant principal address, religious education, community of learners, First Eucharist, parish mass, representative sport, stage 3 soccer gala, commonwealth games a-thon info, principal award, online lunch ordering, dates to remember, covid cases, enrolment for 2023, attendance, birthday, clothing pool, community more...

  2022 Term 2 Week 8 Newsletter

Principal's address, Assistant Principal address, Religious Education, First Eucharist, Year 3 & 4 RE work samples, Important school calendar dates, Yr 1 Work samples, Information regarding Covid cases, Yr 6 canteen day,Enrolments for 2023, Attendance, Birthday's and community more

  2022 Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter

Principal address, Assistant Principal address, Religious education, Parish Mass, Sacramental program, Kindergarten RE work, School News including stage 3 Canberra trip, Important dates to remember, Tell them from me survey,Fundraising amounts, Representative sport, Pyjama day, Enrolments for 2023, Attendance, Clothing pool, birthdays , Community more.....

  2022 Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter

Principals Address, Assistant principals address, Religious education, Vinnies winter appeal, Sacramental program, Stage 1 Religion work, School news, Important dates, Parent committee meeting, Kindergarten enrolment information, Attendance, Gentle reminders, Clothing pool, more.....

  2022 Term 2 Week 2 Newsletter

Principal address, Assistant principal address, Religious education, Mother's day Liturgy, Holy week celebrations, stage 3 RE work, school news social emotional learning, enrolment information, important dates, thank you note, book club, gentle reminder, clothing pool, attendance, birthdays,. Read more .....

  2022 Term 1 Week 10 Newsletter

Principals address, Assistant principal address, Religion, Yr 3 Religion work samples, Sacramental Program, enrolment 2023 info, school fees, summer reading challenge, important dates, reminders, clothing pool, attendance,awards, Birthdays, community more

  2022 Term 1 Week 8 Newsletter

Principal address, Assistant principal,St Patrick's day, Religion, Yr 1 Work samples, update from father Christopher, sacramental program,enrolment 2023, Mathematics in infants, Diocesan swimming carnival, Parramatta term trials, Smart watches,PBS4L, important dates to remember, gentle reminder,Attendance, principal morning tea, Birthdays, community more

  2022 Term 1 Week 6 Newsletter

Principals address, assistant principal address, Religious reflection, Ash Wednesday, Year 6 Student work, Information from Father Christopher, Dates for Sacramental program, Open Day information,Zone Swimming Carnival, Pancake Tuesday,Lunch club, Sushi Lunch, Smart watches, Lunch Club, Parent committee meeting,PBS4L Behaviours, important dates, Reminders, Attendance, Awards, Birthdays,, community more

  2022 Term 1 Week 4 Newsletter

Principal's address, AP address,Religious Education, RE Yr 4 class work, Sacramental Program, Open Day, important dates to remember, community of learners, Rep sports, Attendance, Rapid antigen testing,Awards,Summer reading challenge,Book club, birthdays,community more....

  2022 Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter

Principal address,assistant principal, Religious education, date to remember, staffing for 2022, sports days 2022. community of learners, assemblies 2022, pick up and drop off reminders, attendance, rapid testing, parent contact booklet, class contact parent. Principal morning tea , Assistant principal awards, clothing pool volunteer, summer reading challenge, birthday, community news. read more ....